Live Phone-Call Follow Up
ResponsiBid allows you to integrate a live follow-up strategy that will make sure you never lose a customer ever again.
Live Phone-Call Follow Up
ResponsiBid allows you to integrate a live follow-up strategy that will make sure you never lose a customer ever again.
You Wear Too Many Hats. Let Someone Else Make Your Calls!
ResponsiBid opens up the possibility of ensuring that live phone calls can become outsourced to one of our partners. You decide when the call needs to be made and then it just happens. Because ResponsiBid makes it possible for someone who isn’t necessarily part of your business to sell your services, you can confidently use one of our partners below to make just the right call at just the right time.

Jill's Office Outbound Follow-Up
One of our most popular partners, Jill’s Office allows you to setup any step in any ResponsiBid follow-up sequence to be an outbound call for follow-up. This could be to follow-up on quotes, past jobs, or anything else you can conceive of!
The Jill’s Office phone team is fully trained on the ResponsiBid software and can work with you on the perfect phone strategy to integrate with ResponsiBid with ease!
Click here to learn more about Jill’s Office.

Pink Callers Remote Customer Service
Pink Callers is another great option for medium to large sized home service companies. Their unique company trains their staff to be a dedicated office resource for your company’s needs. Pink Callers is fluent in ResponsiBid and can take your customization to the next level by dedicating someone to your office who can run ResponsiBid and your sales system like a pro. You never even have to think about it.
Click here to learn more about Pink Callers.
Legitimize your sales process.
Close more deals with way less effort with ResponsiBid.